Welcome to Stirling Bikes
This site is dedicated to my motorcycle challenges, adventures and projects. I am a hobbyist mechanic, restorer and repairer of all types of motorbike, and I'm based in Nottingham in the UK.
I have been mechanically minded from a young age, but have never pursued it as a career, instead I choose to keep it as a hobby and only a sideline as apposed to my main career which ensures that my passion doesn't dwindle.
I personally own a number of motorbikes (currently 5), but have ridden many, and look after a few for other people.
I am using this site as a blog/portfolio of some of the projects I am working on / have worked on, as well as showcasing my bikes, past and present, and my thoughts on them.
If you have a project you'd like me to take on, or any element of mechanics you'd like me to do a "To Do" article on, I'll do my best to accommodate!

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