2005 ZX6R C1H
This C1H ZX6R is suffering with a common issue. Actually the issue is more the fault of the Tokico 4 pots rather than the bike itself. As often seen on these Tokico calipers, Corrosion is lifting the coating.

The brakes had obviously not been serviced in a while, as the fluid was well past it. (Just to point out that this was not the owner’s fault, as they’ve not had the bike all that long!)
Behind the pads, the piston and body faces were covered in what I can only suggest was grease and oil, now this could be remnants of rubber grease from the bike’s last brake service, although in this volume I’d question that theory. All in all, they were in a bit worse shape than I’d anticipated.

First Steps:
1. Remove, Strip all fittings and split (where applicable)
2. Scrub thoroughly with degreaser and hot water (Wash powder works well in lieu of degreaser)

Next Stage:
3. Mask off the piston recess, and plug any fluid holes and sliders
4. Into the blast cabinet they go!
5. Blow off all dust and panel wipe
6. Tack rag any remaining dust off

After prep:
7. First layer of paint goes on! (I used a ‘direct to metal’ caliper lacquer).
8. 15 minutes flash time, then on goes the second coat
9. Another 15 minutes, and third coat gets laid
10. 24 hours curing time!

Post Paint:
11. These calipers have raised lettering that remains silver, so the paint on these was very carefully removed.

Rebuild and Fit to the bike:
12. Fit all new seals, and new bleed nipples
13. Fit the calipers
14. Torque everything up
15. bleed up the brakes
And we’re all done!