The Garage
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Where do I start with this… I moved into my current home in May 2019. One of the reasons I chose this property is that there was a garage. However, there was a catch… It was in a bit of a state.

Work commenced very quickly, having moved from a 5mx5m workshop, I had a LOT of stuff to fit in the garage, so some sorting was in order. Several hours later (with help at that!) I managed to fit everything in.

As can be seen, it all fits. Just. The issue comes when the realisation hits that there’s only space for 2 bikes…
This posed a problem as I have more than 2 bikes, and I need space to work on them too. Thus began the extension!

Foundation and concrete down. Then began the hard work – an ‘In place’ extension!!

It actually worked! Started by putting up a new outer wall, skinning it, building and installing new roof trusses, fixing the roof panels and then felting them!
The end result:

An extra 5 meters squared, which makes a HUGE difference. There’s since been a more attractive front placed upon the garage simply for aesthetics. The roof has also been insulated, and the garage now has power. Still, there’s room for improvement, and in the future there will be a further rearward extension, the left outer wall to replace, as well as being fully insulated and making and installing new doors.
Watch this space.